Missions We Support
At White Pines Labs a portion of our earnings go to missions we believe in. You can read about these missions below and give if you feel led. "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7
Lester's Feet is an organization raising money through the outdoor industry/community. All money is then distributed to families in need. They specialize in helping families with financial burdens who have children with life-altering illnesses. They also recently started a separate fund for families burdened by breast cancer. 100% of all donations go directly to helping families. To give to Lester's Feet please make checks payable to Lester's Feet Foundation and send to PO Box 250 Dry Ridge, KY 41035.
Trifold Ministries
Royal Family Kids
A 3 day camp for at risk children and children in foster care, ages 7-11, who have been abused, abandoned, or or neglected. Throughout the weekend the kids experience fun, activities, laughter, and being in a safe environment. Royal Family Kids Camp has been serving the children of our community for over 17 years. Mike & Rachel Roberts, Directors 574.870.6476 |
Royal Friends Club
Royal Friends Club is a mentoring program for the kids who have been to Royal Family Kids Camp ages 7-11. Each child is assigned an adult mentor of the same gender, who commits to spending 4 hours one on one per month with their child. All mentors and children will meet together at the Clubhouse once a month for a meal and activities. The purpose of the mentoring program is to build on the foundation of trust previously laid at camp. Travis & Rebecca Crist, Directors 765.242.5277 |
“Providing hope to at-risk youth” Our mission is to provide quality, structured, single-gender 3 day programs for at-risk youth ages 11-18. Teen Reach creates a safe environment to build life skills and lays the foundation for adulthood. Teen Reach has been serving youth in our community and surrounding communities for over 4 years. Tab & Denise Barnett, Directors 765.201.5135 |
Click here to donate to Trifold Ministries
Endless Frontier Foundation is dedicated to providing help in the slums of Kenya. It was started by two girls from our church, Holly and Chami, and their husbands who they met in Kenya. Feeding programs on Saturdays provide much needed nutrition to the children of the area and open the door for multiple other discipleship programs for the adults. Please click here to give to our brothers and sisters serving Christ on the other side of the globe.
At Bravely Women's Health in Lafayette Indiana, they are fighting for the right to life of the unborn child. They believe in the sovereignty of life and helping women who are unsure about what they want, to choose life, over abortion. By providing support before, during, and after the pregnancy, women who have concerns about being able to provide for a child can have assurance that they will get the care they need. Click here to donate to Bravely and know that you are saving a life!